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Nano Contestant - Episode 1: Whatever It Takes Page 6

  Roland pulled a bottle of water from his backpack and offered one to Skylar. “Seems like I was reading that hybrids cannot be more than sixty percent droid tech or something like that. They have to have a certain amount of human tissue left.”

  Skylar sipped her water. “Yeah, that’s right. Ol’ silver legs over there has got to be at least forty percent droid, if not more.”

  Roland chugged his whole water bottle. “That’s a lot. I wonder what happened to her, that she lost both legs?”

  Skylar turned back towards Roland. “If they can find a corporate sponsor, many of them will have their limbs replaced.”

  Roland raised an eyebrow. “So they get perfectly good arms and legs removed, and then the company installs their tech in place of it?”

  Skylar put the cap back on her water. “Yep, that’s right.”

  “So what happens to their good limbs? Do they donate them or something?”

  “That or sell them. I’ve read about people with low budgets that want to get into the Tech Games who sell their arms or legs to offset the costs of getting the new hardware.”

  Roland shook his head. “That’s hard to wrap my head around.”

  A small team of six dressed in light blue lined up behind Skylar and Roland. The contestant for the light blue team was standing at the front of his group. He had no robotic implants and his chiseled features and muscular build suggested he was a digital.

  The light blue contestant half smiled. “A hundred million dollar prize will make people do crazy things.” The contestant shook Roland’s hand. “I’m Enrique. This line looks stupid long, so I must be in the right place.”

  Roland gave an upwards nod. “Hey, I’m Roland. We haven’t moved since we got here.”

  Enrique crossed his arms. “You competed before?”

  “Nope,” Roland said. “This is my first time. How about you?”

  Enrique held up two fingers. “Twice. Last year and the year before.”

  Roland gave a slight nod. “How did you do?”

  “I was number 26 two years ago.”

  Skylar snapped her fingers. “I remember you. You made it to the semi-finals last year.”

  Enrique turned towards her. “Yep. That’s right. I made it to number 9. Are you his NAV?”

  Skylar nodded. “Yeah, I’m his navigator and tech support.”

  Enrique turned back to Roland. “Where’s your coach?”

  Roland’s brow furrowed. “Coach? I don’t have one.”

  Enrique pointed his thumb behind him. “I got three and a NAV and a tech on my team. My advice, get a coach. You are going to need one.” Enrique then turned his attention to some paperwork that another team member handed him.

  Roland turned to Skylar and lowered his voice. “A coach? Oh well, we aren’t here to win.” He shrugged his shoulders. “We just need to be in long enough to get the information we need.”

  Skylar nodded. “I agree, but a coach might be able to get you the time you need.”

  Roland sighed.

  Skylar pointed up towards the front. “Hey look, a bunch more Pinnacle employees are coming to help with registrations. That’s good news. Hopefully, we’ll start moving.”

  Roland watched as twenty more employees started calling up the next teams. “Great, c’mon people. Let’s go.”

  Skylar’s eyes got big. “Roland, look at the team coming in the main entry in the black uniforms!”

  Roland turned towards the back. “Wow, they must have at least thirty people. Do you think that’s all for one contestant?”

  Skylar motioned to one man that stood head and shoulders above the rest of the team in the black uniforms. “Yeah, I bet they are all here for him.”

  Roland watched the big man. “He’s huge. What team is that?”

  Skylar recognized their logo as they got closer. “Allied Robotics. That’s Pinnacle's biggest competitor.”

  “And they got twenty-nine people to support their one contestant?”

  Skylar took another sip of her water. “I’m sure they want to show up Pinnacle at their own game.”

  Roland watched the huge group line up behind the light blue team. “I like them already.”

  The big man was wearing black athletic shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Both of his arms and his legs were a light blue metallic color. His muscular head sported a two inch mohawk.

  Roland whispered to Skylar. “He’s got droid arms and legs!”

  Skylar turned her head slightly to see. “He’s got to be pushing that sixty percent limit.”

  Roland nodded and watched as the big man pushed his own people out of the way to get to the front of his group. “Looks like a real nice guy.”

  Then the big man tapped Enrique on the shoulder. “Hey, the little squealer came back this year. I missed having you as a punching bag.”

  Enrique turned around. “Duke, what an unpleasant surprise.”

  Duke shifted his massive bulk and grinned hideously at Enrique. “You look more pathetic than last year. Shouldn’t you have at least tried to train? You have taken all the fun out of crushing you again.”

  People in the line were turning around to watch the outburst from Duke.

  Enrique crossed his arms and stood his ground. “All those upgrades, and you are still so ugly. You’d think your team could have fixed your face by now. Maybe they could give you a conscious, too, so you wouldn’t cheat anymore.”

  Duke put a beefy metallic blue finger on Enrique’s shoulder and gave it a shove. “Cheating? I do whatever it takes to win! You wouldn’t understand, because your DNA is programmed for losing!” Duke laughed obnoxiously at his own joke.

  A member of Duke’s team, also dressed in black, ran from the back of the group and grabbed Duke’s arm. “Duke! Stop! This isn’t the place. Save it for the Games.”

  Duke flipped his wrist and the man stumbled backwards. “Back off, Coach! Duke turned his attention back to Enrique and shook his fist in front of his face. “How about a little preview of what this season is going to be like?”

  Pinnacle's security started heading towards the two contestants.

  Enrique smiled. “Please take a swing at me. It would be worth it to get you disqualified right now before the games even begin!”

  The coach tried again. “Duke, don’t do anything to get disqualified. C’mon. Just walk away.”

  Duke turned towards the coach. “I’m getting real tired of your constant nagging, Coach.”

  “I’m here to help you. Now, just chill out,” said the coach.

  Duke reached out and grabbed his coach by the neck with one hand and lifted him off the ground. “I don’t want your help. You’re fired.” Duke began to squeeze his hand together. The coach’s face began turning red as he struggled against Duke’s iron grip.

  Roland ran over to help the coach being strangled. “Hey! Let him go!”

  Duke dropped his coach and turned to Roland. “Who are you, little leprechaun?”

  Roland helped the coach up. “Back off! Go simmer down.”

  Duke took a step towards Roland and then talked loud enough for everyone around to hear. “Anyone lose an insignificant support staffer? Looks like your bag boy got loose. Come get him before I teach him some manners.”

  The security team arrived and helped the coach off to the side and a medic began to check him over.

  Roland stood up straight. “I’m here to compete.”

  Duke laughed loudly. “In what? Can’t be the Tech Games. You got no metal, so you can’t be a hybrid and you’re too plain to be a digital. Just what are you competing in?”

  Skylar stood there silently fuming. Roland, don’t draw any more attention to yourself, she thought.

  Roland didn’t even flinch. “I’m a Tech Games competitor. I’m not a hybrid or a digital.” Roland turned around and walked back to his place in line.

  Duke raised both of his arms to address the crowd. “Hear that everyone? This little guy isn’t a hybrid or a digital. He’s got his
own home brewed tech, and he thinks he can compete!” Duke gave a loud boisterous laugh. “Watch him, everyone. He won’t even make it off the starting line!”

  Skylar leaned in close once Roland got back in line. “Forget him. He doesn’t matter.”

  Roland ran his hands through his hair. “It’s almost our turn to register. I just want to get out of here.”

  The coach made his way over to Roland and put out his hand. “I’m Lincoln. I wanted to say ‘thanks’ for coming over when you did.”

  Roland shook Lincoln’s hand. “I’m Roland. Anyone would have done the same.”

  Lincoln shook his head. “No, no one else did.”

  Roland looked at Lincoln’s neck. “How’s your neck? It still looks red.”

  Lincoln lightly touched his neck. “Yeah, it still hurts, but it’s better. I’ll be ok.”

  Skylar grimaced. “I heard him fire you. Surely he wouldn’t do that with the games only a few weeks away?”

  “Yeah, Duke has a bad temper, but when he fires someone, they don’t get a second chance. The company just replaces them quickly, because they want to keep Duke happy.”

  Roland shifted his backpack around. “What’s your plans now?”

  Lincoln nodded again. “I guess this year is shot. I’ll have to start looking for a contestant for next season. It’s kind of a relief, honestly. I coached a couple of other contestants to the semi-finals before, but Duke was the most difficult to work with.”

  Roland glanced at Skylar. “Well, I don’t have a coach. So, if you were still wanting to be a Tech Games coach this year, I could really use one.”

  Lincoln looked surprised. “Yeah, actually I would be interested. What’s your three mile time?”

  Skylar shifted her weight. “His time was 12:42. Why?”

  Lincoln rubbed his throat. “I just want to know what I’m working with. Duke’s time was 12 flat. Any time under 13:30 is considered to be in about the top fifty percent. A time under 13 is in the top twenty-five percent. Roland, you probably have a good chance, but there’s no guarantee this late into the competition. The games are a little less than a month away. I can help you, but we will have to do intense training with long hours every day.”

  Roland looked serious. “I’ll train hard, but you need to know I can’t pay you. I just don’t have the money, but I can offer you an equal share of anything the team wins.”

  Lincoln shrugged his shoulders. “Sounds good to me. I’d do it for free if I got to get back at Duke.”

  Roland put out his hand. “Great. Welcome to the team.”

  Lincoln shook Roland’s hand. “We start at 4 AM tomorrow.”



  A PINNACLE EMPLOYEE called them forward to register.

  Enrique’s team also got called and went to the registration table to the right of Roland.

  Skylar and Lincoln both filled out their paperwork, and Roland waited for them to finish. Roland was just starting on his when Duke’s team came up to the table on Roland’s left.

  Roland stepped up to the registration table.

  Duke came and stood right behind Roland and crossed his arms. He leaned his head towards his team. “Go ahead and get registered. I want a good laugh. I’m going to hear the little leprechaun get registered over here.”

  A news reporting team had missed the earlier opportunity that Duke had presented for drama on the Tech Games and wasn’t about to miss it again. They hurried over near Duke and Roland and zoomed their cameras in.

  Roland sighed as he watched Duke’s shadow fall over him and the registration lady. Let’s hurry this along, he thought.

  The registration lady motioned Roland to come forward. “I’m Rosie. Welcome to the Tech Games. I’ll be getting you registered today. What’s your name?”

  Roland handed her his paperwork. “Roland Crane.”

  Duke smiled. “Hi, Roland.”

  Roland ignored him.

  Rosie typed on her keyboard. “Are you the contestant for your team?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  Duke waved his arms around. “Hear that, everyone? Roland, here, is a Tech Games contestant.”

  The news anchor whispered to his camera man. “You getting this?”

  The camera man nodded.

  The news anchor began making his way closer.

  Rosie continued typing. “What type of technology will you be showcasing in the games? You know, are you a digital or a hybrid?”

  Roland leaned in closer to her and lowered his voice. “Nanotech.”

  Duke raised his voice. “You don’t have to lower your voice on my account, Roland. I have enhanced hearing.” Then Duke turned around to address the entire registration hall. “Look everyone, Roland is a nano!” Duke motioned for the news crew to come over. “You guys will want to make sure you get Roland on camera on race day!”

  The news man spoke into his microphone. “Why is that, sir?” Then he held his microphone up towards Duke.

  Duke’s smile turned wicked. “Roland is a nano, and you know what that means!”

  The news man pulled his microphone back briefly. “Please tell us what that means.” Then he smiled and moved the microphone back to Duke.

  Duke bent down a little and looked directly into the camera. “It means he’s going to die! No contestant using nano has ever finished the qualifying round. They always burn or explode.”

  Lincoln walked over and got in front of Duke and the camera man. “That’s it. Let’s go.”

  Duke scowled. “I fired you, Lincoln. Why are you still here?”

  Security came over and surrounded the little group.

  Lincoln crossed his arms. “Yeah, you did. I didn’t do it for you.” Lincoln pointed with his thumb towards Roland. “I did it for him. I’m coaching him now.”

  Duke bellowed with laughter and slapped his knee. “Oh, that’s rich! Roland, you are going to lose for sure now - with Lincoln here.”

  Roland never turned around and continued with his registration.

  Duke took a few steps back towards his team.

  Lincoln stood his ground between Duke and Roland.

  The news camera man continued filming.

  Rosie typed away on her keyboard. “We have to let all contestants know that we have a policy that states that no more than sixty percent of your body can be foreign materials. That includes all of the following: metal, metal alloys, silicon, carbon fibers, plastics and rubbers. Do you know approximately what percentage of your body is not organic human flesh?”

  Roland kept his voice low. “Zero percent. I’m a 100% organic.”

  Duke cupped his hands around his mouth and hollered. “He’s completely organic, everyone! He doesn’t have any tech inside him at all!”

  Roland grabbed the edge of the registration table so he wouldn’t turn around and confront Duke.

  Lincoln also cupped his hands around his mouth. “Show’s over folks. Duke is drunk as usual. Probably on motor oil since he’s a 100% android.”

  The crowd murmured and laughed in response.

  Security came over and stood between Duke and Lincoln. The lead security guy told Duke if he caused any more trouble, he would be thrown out.

  Rosie paused her typing and raised an eyebrow. “That is very unusual, sir. Are you certain? We don’t allow normal humans to participate in the games.”

  Roland sighed. “Yes, I’m sure. I’ve got new tech that is completely organic.”

  Rosie went back to typing. “Ok, sir. I’ve never had a case like this before. We’ll have to verify that you have enough tech inside of you to compete in the games. Please step behind the table here so our technicians can scan you.”

  Roland handed Skylar his backpack and stepped around the table.

  A tech instructed Roland to stand inside a metal circle on the ground. Roland stepped inside it. The tech hit a button on his handheld computer and a green hologram sprung up from the circle on the ground. The green cylinder enclosed
Roland and spun around three times and then disappeared. The tech showed his results to Rosie.

  Rosie typed in the results on her terminal. “Our scan shows the same. You are completely, 100% organic. I didn’t know that was possible. Next, we need to check your tech viability by measuring your signal outputs.”

  Skylar could tell from Roland’s stiff movements that even though he didn’t say anything, he was not happy with the situation. She stepped behind the table next to Roland. “I’m his support. I’ll help you with the signal measurement. What are you looking for?”

  The tech guy explained that he needed to see a demonstration of signal control and output to prove there was a signal coming from Roland.

  Skylar hit a few buttons on her computer. “Ok, all signals are on.”

  The tech waved a small signal wand in front of Roland, but did not detect any signals. “I’m not getting anything.”

  Roland frowned.

  Skylar went over to look at the tech’s equipment. He pulled up a hologram that showed his settings. She pointed to a section part way down the list. “There’s your problem. He’s transmitting, but your frequencies are set to read droid tech, not our private, lower frequencies. We don’t broadcast publicly. Change these three.”

  The tech adjusted the hologram that showed his signal settings, and then waved his wand over Roland for a second time. The wand beeped for each of the three frequencies.” The tech gave a thumb’s up and then went to show his results to Rosie.

  Rosie quickly entered everything into the computer. “Last thing I need is a quick blood check to verify that you don’t have digital DNA.”

  A med-tech in scrubs and latex gloves came over to Roland. “Hold out your finger please. It’ll just be a quick prick, and we’ll be done.”

  Roland held out his finger as instructed.

  The med-tech handed him a handheld machine with a disposable plastic cap. The plastic cap went over Roland’s index finger. She hit the button and her machine clicked. Then she pulled it off and offered Roland a bit of gauze and a bandaid.

  Roland shook his head ‘no,’ and then just wiped the blood off on his pants. “That it?”